v i t a

Books and chapbooks

Another Beautiful Day Indoors, Te Herenga Waka University Press, April 2022 [*]
There's No Place Like the Internet in Springtime, Victoria University Press, August 2018 [*]
Twenty-Six Factitions (chapbook), Cold Hub Press, November 2017 [*]

Edited and co-edited volumes

No Other Place to Stand: An Anthology of Climate Change Poetry from Aotearoa New Zealand (with Jordan Hamel, Rebecca Hawkes, and Essa Ranapiri), Auckland University Press, July 2022 [*]
Queen Mob's Teahouse: Teh Book (as poetry editor; ed. Russell Bennetts), Dostoyevsky Wannabe, April 2019 [*]

Poems, short fiction, and creative nonfiction
'Notes Towards a Theory of Fun', in Rabbit, No. 39, 'Mutiny', mid-2024 (forthcoming) [*]
'Living Wage Negations', in Newsroom, 16 July 2024 [*]
'Individualistic Societies', in The Spinoff, 12 July 2024 [*]
'Guy Fawkes in Aotearoa' and 'Sleeping with the Window Wide Open', in Tarot, No. 8, June 2024 [*]
'Autumn Couplets', in NZ Poetry Shelf, 17 May 2024 [*]
'When We Knew We Were Wrong for Each Other', in The Passionfruit Review, Issue 8, April 2024 [*]
'Low-Carbon Warfare', in Harpy Hybrid Review, Issue 10, April 2024 [*]
'The Foraging Poem', in NZ Poetry Shelf, 19 April 2024 [*]
'This Usually Represents a Desire to Achieve Greatness in Your Social or Professional Life', in Poetry Aotearoa Yearbook 2024, March 2024 [*]
'Loneliness Studies' and 'Passionate About Home Cookery', in Turbine | Kapohau, December 2023 [*]
'Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies', in Landfall, No. 246, November 2023 [*]
'Bildungsroman', in berlin lit, No. 5, November 2023 [*]
'Bino', in Tiny Molecules, 14 September 2023 [*]
'Ill and Travelling', in NZ Poetry Shelf, 4 September 2023 [*]
'Magpie Moth vs Monarch Butterfly' and 'A Much Posher Hotel Than Usual', in Poetry Salzburg Review, No. 40, Summer 2023 [*]
'The Best Beach in Manhattan', in trampset, 17 June 2023 [*]
'The Anteater and the Ants', in The Westchester Review, Summer 2023 [*]
'Soft Power', in A Cluster of Lights (published by Pure Slush), May 2023 [*]
'The Intentional Community', in A Kind of Shelter Whakaruru-taha: An Anthology of New Writing for a Changed World (published by Massey University Press), May 2023 [*]
'Reviewing the Fleet', 'The Limited Imagination Allegory', and 'Can't Get a Moment's Peace', in Strix, No. 9, April 2023 [*]
'I Love You but Please Keep a Metre Away from the Artworks', 'Simultaneous Elevator Pitches', and 'Croquet: The First National Sport of Aotearoa New Zealand', in Live Encounters, April 2023 [*]
'Pet Theories', in Poetry Aotearoa Yearbook 2023, March 2023 [*]
'Epic Simile', in The Florida Review, Vol. 46, No. 2, December 2022 [*]
'All Submarine Movies Are Christmas Movies', in Turbine | Kapohau, December 2022 [*]
'Talking in the Corner with the Miniature Golf Course Designer', in Landfall, No. 244, November 2022 [*]
'Travelling' and 'Craft Beer Names (Over 6% ABV)', in Catalyst, No. 19, October 2022 [*]
'Gap in My CV', in Cease, Cows, 29 September 2022 [*]
'Satellite Insurance', in Heavy Feather Review, Vol. 12, August 2022 [*]
'An Interesting Redundancy Package', 'The Plot of the Nativity Play', and an interview in Flash Frontier, July 2022 [*]
'Enclosure of the Commons II', in Landfall, No. 243, May 2022 [*]
'The Foiled Axe Murder Poem', in The Spinoff, 15 April 2022 [*]
'What Thinking Feels Like', in Ariadne, Issue 2, April 2022 [*]
'Descended from Peacelords' and 'Refining the Concept', in New World Writing, 3 April 2022 [*]
'The Safety Coffin', in descant, Vol. 60, March 2022 [*]
'By the proper perpetual motion of the earth through everchanging tracks of neverchanging space', in Breach of All Size: Small Stories on 'Ulysses', Love and Venice (published by the Cuba Press), February 2022 [*]
'Painting of a Sea Battle', in Mayhem, Issue 9, December 2021 [*]
'Horses in the Dark', in Turbine | Kapohau, December 2021 [*]
'Lives of the Poets', in NZ Poetry Shelf, 22 November 2021 [*]
'Beginning of a Longish Holiday', in Sweet Mammalian, No. 8, November 2021 [*]
'Official Printer to the Government', in Landfall, No. 242, November 2021 [*]
'Picking Up Pieces of Paper Other People Have Dropped' and 'Activism', in The Quick Brown Dog, No. 5, November 2021 [*]
'Focus Group Survivor' and 'Watching the Borders', in Catalyst, No. 18, November 2021 [*]
'Visiting the Waterfall', in Prelude, Fall Issue, October 2021 [*]
'The Autonomous Vehicle Research Centre', in petrichor, No. 18, October 2021 [*]
'Young Adult Success Stories', in The Spinoff, 24 September 2021 [*]
'The Celebrity–Industrial Complex', 'Creating Value', 'The Australian Gannet Model of the Cosmos', and 'The Dead Men of 2012', in Nine Magazines, No. 1, September 2021 [*]
'Grief Sonnet 1 of 235', in Landfall, No. 241, May 2021 [*]
'We're Nice to Each Other After the Trauma', in NZ Poetry Shelf, 3 May 2021 [*]
'Setting Up the Debate', in Pine Hills Review, 7 April 2021 [*]
'The Please Stop Killing Us and Destroying Everything That Sustains Us Society', in FENCE, No. 37/38, Spring/Summer 2021 [*]
'Letter to James K. Baxter', in Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2021, March 2021 [*]
'Composite Sketch of My Enemy', in ANNEXE, 20 January 2021 [*]
'My First Time. The Tsar's Uncle's Last Time', in The Middle of a Sentence: The Common Breath Short Prose Anthology (published by The Common Breath), December 2020 [*]
'Hearing About Summertime in Other People's Home Towns', 'Three Short Shorts', and 'Why You've Got Dark Circles Under Your Eyes', in Milly Magazine, 2 November 2020 [*]
'The First Plant Grown on the Moon', 'Van Advertising "Interior Plantscaping Services"', and 'Goat Songs', in Catalyst, No. 17, October 2020 [*]
'For Example, an Old Mechanical Alarm Clock with Horrible Clanging Bells on It', in Slant, No. 34, September 2020 [*]
'They Said to Stick to a Routine, So We Did', in Love in the Time of COVID, 28 August 2020 [*]
'Buying Dr Phil's House', in Maudlin House, 19 August 2020 [*]
'Annual Self-Evaluation', in iamb, Wave Three, August 2020 [*]
'There Is a Man Dancing on the Rudder of an Enormous Cargo Ship', in The Spinoff, 26 June 2020 [*]
'Dealing with Change', in Flash Frontier, 5 June 2020 [*]
'Notes Towards a Definition of Essential Work', in Stasis Journal, 22 May 2020 [*]
'Preparing the Body', in District Lit, May 2020 [*]
'Online Dream Analysis', in Landfall, No. 239, May 2020 [*]
'Brood X (The Great Eastern Brood of Cicadas), Princeton, 2004', in Cicada Sex-Songs (published by Hawk & Whippoorwill), May 2020 [*]
'To a Couple Who Had Their Rings Brought to the Altar by Drone at Their Garden Wedding', in Poetry Ireland Review, No. 130, April 2020 [*]
'Nineteenth-Century Rural Road-Builders', in B O D Y, 6 April 2020 [*]
'Early Evening at the Coal Plant', in Cordite, No. 95, February 2020 [*]
'Four Life Forms', in B O D Y, 13 January 2020 [*]
'All I Want for Christmas Is the Radical Redistribution of Society's Resources', in Berfrois, 19 December 2019 [*]
'Animals in Love, or What I Have Learned at Literary Festivals', in Sport, No. 47, November 2019 [*]
'Suburban Grammar' and 'The Invention of the Shovel', in Catalyst, No. 16, November 2019 [*]
'Some Facts', in Western Humanities Review, Vol. 73, No. 1, September 2019 [*]
'The Night Before the Barn-Raising', in Minarets, No. 10, August 2019 [*]
'Bad Air Days', in Spoon River Poetry Review, Vol. 44, No. 1, July 2019 [*]
'Microplastics in Antarctica' and 'The Admin Job Poem', in Mimicry, No. 5, May 2019 [*]
'All Holidays Are Made-Up Holidays', in Landfall, No. 237, May 2019 [*]
'Double Saw Final at the Canterbury A&P Show', in Best New Zealand Poems 2018, April 2019 [*]
'Out on the Pleasure Pier', in The Spinoff, 12 April 2019 [*]
'Brood X (The Great Eastern Brood of Cicadas), Princeton, 2004', in Journal of New Jersey Poets, No. 56, April 2019 [*]
'Get a Pet with a Longer Lifespan Than Humans Have', 'The Contentment Poem', and 'The Family Lore Poem', in Flash Frontier, February 2019 [*]
'"Frosty the Snowman" as Climate Change Allegory', in Berfrois, 18 December 2018 [*]
'Another Beautiful Day Indoors', in The Moth, No. 35, Winter 2018 [*]
'The Inertia Poem', 'Agatha and Florian', and 'The Marlborough Sounds Tree Poisoner', in Sport, No. 46, November 2018 [*]
'Tentative Readings', in Brief, No. 56, October 2018 [*]
'The Parable of the Beans', in Bonsai: Best Small Stories from Aotearoa New Zealand (published by Canterbury University Press), August 2018 [*]
'The Great Sunspot of 1947' and 'Wasting Time', in Catalyst, No. 15, August 2018 [*]
'Tea-Making', in Breakfast All Day (published by Pen & Anvil Press), July 2018 [*]
'World's Tallest Building (Cancelled)', 'News from Abroad', 'Market-Optimised Problem Solving', and 'On His Being Arrived to the Age of Thirty-Six', in Disclaimer, 24 June 2018 [*]
'Love Poem with Seagull', in The Dark Horse, No. 39, June 2018 [*]
'Today', in Landfall, No. 235, May 2018 [*]
'The Identity Crisis Poem', 'Daily Affirmation', and 'The Psychology of Hypocrisy', in Hobart, 15 March 2018 [*]
'Letter from the Estuary', in Poetry, February 2018 [*]
Six Christmas limericks, in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 21 December 2017 [*]
'I Rank All the Beautiful Things There Are' and 'An Abandoned Farm Near Lockhart, New South Wales', in The Manchester Review, No. 19, December 2017 [*]
'This Year's Christmas No. 1', in Berfrois, 15 December 2017 [*]
'Public Power', in For Every Year, December 2017 [*]
'The Crimes of the Tolerant Left', 'The Mustard Weed Poem', and 'The Overpopulation Poem', in Raven Chronicles, No. 25, November 2017 [*]
'Holy Trinity, Lyttelton', 'Laudamus Te', and 'Late Fees at the Epsom Library', in Catalyst, No. 14, November 2017 [*]
'116' (a translation of Catullus 116, 'Saepe tibi studioso . . .'), in Bad Kid Catullus (published by Sidekick Books), October 2017 [*]
'Your Grandfather's War Stories', in The Interpreter's House, No. 66, October 2017 [*]
'The School of Naps', in LEVELER, 26 June 2017 [*]
'How a New Zealand Sunrise Is Different from Other Sunrises', in Landfall, No. 233, May 2017 [*]
'There's No Place Like the Internet in Springtime', 'A Moral Calculus', 'Uninstall Your News Apps and Join a Hiking Club', and 'Get a Pet with a Longer Lifespan Than You Have', in Ladowich, January 2017 [*]
'Dead Man's Coffee Shops', in Mimicry, No. 2, January 2017 [*]
'A Spam Christmas', in Berfrois, 20 December 2016 [*]
'Should We Wipe Out the Mosquito?', 'The Circumflex', and 'Juvenilia', in Powder Keg Magazine, No. 10, December 2016 [*]
'Dickheads in an Election Year' and 'What Customer Feedback Forms Filled Out by Your Friends Say About You', in PUBLIC POOL, October 2016 [*]
'The New Love Poetry Will Eat the Old Love Poetry', in Snorkel, No. 23, September 2016 [*]
'Public Health Campaign', in Atlas: A Literary Medical Journal, No. 1, September 2016 [*]
'The Shame' and 'Talking About the Weather', in Prelude, September 2016 [*]
'You Can Stop Now. That's Good Enough', in Visual Verse, 1 September 2016 [*]
'The Heroic Age', 'The Price of Gold', and 'Vita Sackville-West's Lost Roses', in Catalyst, No. 13, August 2016 [*]
'Walking into Sculptures', 'Digging', 'Ripon Cathedral', and 'Please, God, No More Referendums', in The Literateur, 16 August 2016 [*]
'Four Directions at the Beach', in The Island Review, 25 July 2016 [*]
'New Frontiers in Reconstruction', 'Planet Nine', 'Favourite Drinks of Captive Animals', and 'How the "Development Wagon" Got Its Name', in 3:AM Magazine, 5 June 2016 [*]
'The Symbiosis Variations', in Pouch, No. 6, 1 June 2016 [*]
'Amores', in Landfall, No. 231, May 2016 [*]
'Sometimes It Skips a Generation' and 'Mailing in a Form Because There's No Online Form', in Dead King Magazine, 29 April 2016 [*]
'Double Saw Final at the Canterbury A&P Show', 'Carlos Drummond's Truth Door', and 'I Am an Animal Benefiting from Climate Change', in Sport, No. 44, March 2016 [*]
'Varnishing at Night', in Leaving the Red Zone: Poems from the Canterbury Earthquakes (published by Clerestory Press), February 2016 [*]
'The Paris Agreement' and 'The Personal Responsibility Model of Wildlife Conservation', in Ohio Edit, 8 February 2016 [*]
'The Christmas Poem', in Berfrois, 9 December 2015 [*]
'Georgics', in Landfall, No. 230, November 2015 [*]
'I Can't Even', in Catalyst, No. 12, September 2015 [*]
'Growing Fears That the Leadership Contest Has Been Hijacked by Far-Left Infiltrators', in Poets for Corbyn (published by Berfrois), August 2015 [*]
'A Line of Questioning' and 'Imagining Ageing. Reimagining Ageing', in Sport, No. 43, May 2015 [*]
'Indyref', in The Morning Star, 24 September 2014 [*]
'The Democracy Sonnet', in Catalyst, No. 11, August 2014 [*]
'The Porteous Riots', in For Every Year, December 2013 [*]
'It's Nice', in Antiphon, No. 8, Summer 2013 [*]
'Do Try', in The Curator, 25 July 2013 [*]
'Poem in Which, in Which, in Which', in Poems in Which, No. 2, January 2013 [*]
'We Tried to Let Go Hands', in Oxford Poetry, Vol. XIII, No. 1, Spring 2009 [*]
'Mœurs de Césure' (translation of a poem by Philippe Denis), for cello, piano, and speaker, with John Supko, 2006 [*]

Reviews and articles
'Malicious Compliance' (a review of books by Alice Te Punga Somerville, Piet Nieuwland, and Jasmine Gallagher), in Landfall Review Online, 1 May 2023 [*]
'The Killer Gene' (a review of books by Tim Upperton, Elizabeth Morton, and Michaela Keeble), in Landfall Review Online, 1 February 2023 [*]
Review of Les Murray's Continuous Creation, in Review 31, 19 January 2023 [*]
'A Principled Resistance' (a review of The Other Way by David Trubridge), in Landfall Review Online, 1 October 2022 [*]
'We Teeter Atop an Environmental Cliff' (a review of books by David Merritt, Chris Tse, and Janet Charman), in Landfall Review Online, 1 July 2022 [*]
Review of Sarah Holland-Batt's The Jaguar, in Review 31, 10 June 2022 [*]
'Threats, Phosphate, and Poetry', in Newsroom, 27 April 2022 [*]
'Prating in Alien Tongues' (a review of books by Vaughan Rapatahana and Maggie Rainey-Smith), in Landfall Review Online, 1 April 2022 [*]
Review of Sam Buchan-Watts's Path Through Wood, in Review 31, 13 February 2022 [*]
'On Poems by Abdul Samad Haidari', in Southerly, 79.2, October 2021 [*]
'A New Meaning to "Living in the Moment": Ecopoetry in Aotearoa', in a fine line, October 2021 [*]
'Bovine Pursuits and Technoskills' (a review of anthologies by Vaughan Rapatahana, Vaughan Gunson, and Pear Tree Press), in Landfall Review Online, 1 October 2021 [*]
'Dandelions Flung Together Learning to Grow' (a review of books by Mohamed Hassan, Denis Welch, and Victor Billot), in Landfall Review Online, 1 May 2021 [*]
'On Memory, Grief and the Multitudinousness of Being' (a review of books by Diane Brown, Bridget Auchmuty, and Jackson Nieuwland), in Landfall Review Online, 1 December 2020 [*]
'Old Ways and New Directions' (a review of books by Kevin Ireland, Elizabeth Morton, and Ron Riddell), in Landfall Review Online, 1 October 2020 [*]
'Of Oceans and Oilfields' (a review of books by Gregory O'Brien, Octavia Cade, and Orchid Tierney), in Landfall Review Online, 1 August 2020 [*]
'On Les Murray, 1938–2019', in Berfrois, 1 May 2019 [*]
Review of Shane Hollands's The Atomic Composition of the Seeming Solid, in Takahē, No. 94, December 2018 [*]
On 'Double Saw Final at the Canterbury A&P Show', in ARTicle Magazine, 17 October 2018 [*]
Review of Manifesto Aotearoa: 101 Political Poems (edited by Philip Temple and Emma Neale), in Takahē, No. 92, April 2018 [*]
Review of Wayne Holloway-Smith's Alarum, in Review 31, 29 December 2017 [*]
Reviews of Bill Direen's Enclosures 2 and Paula Green's New York Pocket Book, in Takahē, No. 90, August 2017 [*] [*]
Review of Sara Guyer's Reading with John Clare, in TLS, 10 March 2017 [*]
Review of Michael Harlow's Nothing for It but to Sing, in Takahē, No. 88, December 2016 [*]
'So You've Never Heard of the New Nobel Laureate', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 12 October 2016 [*]
Reviews of Tusiata Avia's Fale Aitu | Spirit House and Roger Horrocks's Song of the Ghost in the Machine, in Takahē, No. 87, August 2016 [*] [*]
Review of David Beach's Jerusalem Sonnets, Love, Wellington Zoo, in Takahē, No. 86, April 2016 [*]
'Burns Night Cartoon!', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 25 January 2016 [*]
Review of Peter Olds's You Fit the Description: The Selected Poems of Peter Olds, in Takahē, No. 85, December 2015 [*]
'The Death Sentence of Ashraf Fayadh', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 21 November 2015 [*]
'Reading Diary: Les Murray's Waiting for the Past', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 19 October 2015 [*]
'The Threat Aesthetic', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 31 August 2015 [*]
'Two Scenes from the Finnish Diaspora: Maria Takolander and Niina Pollari', in The Los Angeles Review of Books, 27 August 2015 [*]
'Half Man Half Genius', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 18 July 2015 [*]
'Sight Unseen: United Passions', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 20 June 2015 [*]
'Like a Snake in a Zoo', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 5 June 2015 [*]
'Book Simon Armitage for Your Next Event or Function', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 29 May 2015 [*]
'A Manifesto of Airport Poetry', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 28 April 2015 [*]
Review of Clive James's Poetry Notebook: 2006–2014, in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 13 April 2015 [*]
Review of James McNaughton's New Hokkaido, in Takahē, No. 84, April 2015 [*]
'Critical Approaches to Ignoring National Poetry Month', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 30 March 2015 [*]
Review of Alice Miller's The Limits, in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 17 March 2015 [*]
'A Love Letter to the Musette de Cour', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 7 March 2015 [*]
Review of Danny Snelson's Epic Lyric Poem, in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 21 February 2015 [*]
'Not the Year of Plagiarism', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 12 February 2015 [*]
'On Reading Things You Don't Really Want to Read', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 17 January 2015 [*]
'Sight Unseen: Mr Turner', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 6 January 2015 [*]
'A Manifesto for Bad Poetry', in The Rumpus, 30 December 2014 [*]
'Lager Mania', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 22 December 2014 [*]
Review of Doc Drumheller's 10 × (10 + −10) = 0, in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 17 December 2014 [*]
'Notes on Poetry in the First Year Abroad', in English Kills Review, 8 December 2014 [*]
'Poets' Home Towns', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 8 December 2014 [*]
'The Declarative Question in Poetry Today', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 23 November 2014 [*]
'How Tam o' Shanter Had the Best Halloween Ever', in Queen Mob's Teahouse, 31 October 2014 [*]
Review of JD Scott's Funerals & Thrones, in Sabotage Reviews, 30 June 2014 [*]
'Impressions of Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop', in English Kills Review, 11 November 2013 [*]
Review of George Szirtes's Bad Machine, in The Rumpus, 13 September 2013 [*]
Review of Thomas Heise's Moth, in Sundog Lit, 3 July 2013 [*]
'5 Reasons Not to Riot When Your Team Wins', in FeedBuzz, 18 May 2013 [*]
Review of Lauren Shapiro's Easy Math, in Sundog Lit, 24 April 2013 [*]
'Letter from New York' (a review of books by Kenneth Koch, Joshua Beckman, and Steven Zultanski), in Oxford Poetry, Vol. XIII, No. 1, Spring 2009 [*]

Interviews, etc.

'The Norcliffean Moment' (launch speech for James Norcliffe's Letter to ʻOumuamua), 27 February 2023 [*]
Interview on NZ Booklovers, 25 July 2022 [*]
Interview on Standing Room Only, 24 April 2022 [*]
'What I'm Reading', in Stuff, 24 April 2022 [*]
Group interview (with Jordan Hamel, Rebecca Hawkes, and essa may ranapiri) on Love in the Time of COVID, 16 October 2020 [*]
Interview with Phantom Billstickers, 31 July 2019 [*]
Interview on NZ Poetry Shelf, 16 October 2018 [*]
Interview on the Victoria University Press website, 24 August 2018 [*]
Interview on Radio New Zealand National, 24 August 2018 [*]
Conversation with Rita Banerjee, in The Rumpus, 8 February 2017 [*]
Interview in The Ofi Press, No. 27, February 2013 [*]

Poetic interests

Long Morning Theory
Limping Rhythm
Traditional Life
The Standard Habbie
Children of the Sun
Thankful Villages
Climate Activism
The Gloaming


Rutgers, Princeton

Ⓒ2024 erikkennedy.com